Magnetic Media Transfer

Cassette Transfer

For the transfer of Cassette Tapes we use only high end equipment. Tapes will be played back from a Nakamichi ZX-9. A device that is in the audio community regarded as one of the best (if not the best) cassette deck ever built.

The audio signal can be captured if required with up to 24 Bit quality at 96 kHz. But for most applications normal CD quality capture (16 Bit, 44kHz) is sufficient and will be used. We can provide the capture in all formats, including compressed and uncompressed ones.

Price are calculated by minutes. Below the pricing for CD quality capture of cassette tapes.

MinutesPrice per Minute

For captures with higher bitrates please get in touch with us.

Reel to Reel Transfer

We offer the same quality options as for Cassette media and are equipped with appropriate studio gear to capture up to 10.5″ 2-track reels at 15 ips. Machines that are currently in use for 2 and 4 track captures are ReVox B77, ReVox A77 and Fostex E2.

Pricing for reel to reel transfers in CD Quality as below:

MinutesPrice Per Minute
1 – 90$0.25
91 – 270$0.20

For captures with higher bitrates please get in touch with us.

Digital Media Capture

We also capture from digitial media e.g. DAT or Mini Disc. Please get in touch with us for options and pricing.